Saturday, 30 April 2011

Royal Wedding of Willian and Catherine Middleton

Last Friday, we all could see the wedding of the century (between Willian and Catherine). The couple were named the Dukes of Cambridge by Queen Elizabeth II the night before the marriage.

The bride and groom after the ceremony

How was the wedding?

The bride appears in Westminster at the scheduled time, crowned with the tiara halo Cartier, which has given the queen. Arrives at the abbey and Kate Middleton, from the Goring hotel, instead of one of the royal palaces and drive a Rolls Royce Phantom VI, instead of a royal carriage, to signify their common metamorphosis of Royal Highness. Walk the last mile to its new flourishing life, smiling and staring at the altar, where the handsome prince awaits, in the uniform of Colonel of the Irish Guards and the insignia of the eight-pointed star of the Honorable Order San Patricio, among others. Her maid of honor, Pippa Middleton, outstanding at any time that his sister's dress shone in all its splendor, and the group of pages and little ladies-Lady Louise, Margarita Armstrong-Jones, Grace van Cutsem, Eliza Lopes, William (Billy) Lowther-Pinkerton and Tom Petiffer. Small children and ladies wear replicas of the dresses which lucieran at the wedding of Charles and Diana of Wales. Romanticism attends the ritual exchange of vows and the ring, but everything runs as tested, without omissions or errors: Michael Middleton delivers the hand of the bride to the archbishop and this, in turn, the future husband, who speaks His promise of eternal love, high,
That was one of the most important moments
 clear and loud, staring at their love, she does the same and promises a trickle of voice love him, comfort him and honor him (instead of the traditional formula of obedience) in the sickness and in health until death do them part. So Prince Harry, diligent, passes to the Archbishop of Canterbury a single alliance, as was the groom's desire to bless and to the future heir to the bride put it on the ring finger. The newlyweds are directed to sign the marriage registration in the chapel of Westminster Abbey and tells each other: "That's it. Now we are husband and wife". At the signing ceremony are present the godfather of the prince, his brother Harry, the maid of honor Catherine, her sister Pippa Middleton, Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the parents of Catherine, Michael and Carole Middleton, and the bride's brother, James Middleton. Again before your guests to the strains of sacred music, the couple, accompanied by pages and little ladies group left the temple. Behind them, the British Royal Family, the Middleton family, the royals and other guests. The newlyweds will wait a few moments out of the church and Britain erupts in cheers, congratulations and the rumble of bells.

There's a video of one of the most romantic moments they say the marriage vows, if you wants to see it click here. 

The photo the most searched, the KISS

Clara Merino Muñoz

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

To travel in the holy week to England !

It is a very good opportunity to be able to cross all the big attractions that offer in the whole country, especially with the motive of celebrating the pascua, for example in Surrey in Kew Gardens's gardens there are competitions of search of eggs of pascua that have been hidden by all the gardens, which has been equipped with all kinds of attractions for the youngest.
 The festival of the Flavor in Chester is one of the most popular of the whole England, since in the racetrack
( hipódromo) of the city there is done a fair of which they inform the most famous chefs of the world, doing a great gastronomic demonstration.

The Zoo of London organizes some activities for the children also for motive of the pascua, this place is one of the most attractive for the children due to the great variety of animal species that it is possible to find in these places.
 Many places of England offer special activities for the tourists in order the celebration especially of the pascua as searches for castles and special lunches for the whole family.
 In the pascua the food is very pleasant and has an air of celebration, the eggs of pascua are painted by alive colors and it is enjoyed the search.

By: Alba Jimenez Vazquez

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


En esta sección se presentan los principales museos de la ciudad de Nueva York, desde grandes exposiciones punteras a nivel mundial hasta interesantes pequeños museos dignos de visitar.
En cada artículo puede conocer la colección de cada museo y la información práctica para la visita.

Visitar los museos de la ciudad de Nueva York

El Museo Guggenheim es uno de los puntos más destacados de la ciudad para disfrutar de arte contemporaneo de primer nivel.

El MOMA de Nueva York
La mejor colección de arte contemporaneo

El museo MOMA de Nueva York es posiblemente la mejor colección del mundo de arte contemporaneo


Museo de Historia Natural
Ideal para toda la familia
Miles de especímenes, esqueletos de dinosaurios, animales, plantas, minerales ... casi ilimitado
El Metropolitan de Nueva York
Unos de los 5 grandes museos del mundo
Obras de todos los tiempos y de los 5 continentes. Egipto, Grecia, Roma, arte medieval, maestros europeos y arte oriental, americano y africano

Para los amantes de la criminología.
El museo de la policía de Nueva York es una cita obligada para los amantes de las curiosidades, los objetos relacionados con el mundo del crimen y con la historia de la ciudad

New York Hall of Science
Para curiosos de la cienciaEl Museo de Ciencias de Nueva York es una recomendable atracción si se viaja con niños o turista es aficionado al mundo de la ciencia y la teconología


By:Alba Jiménez vázquez


The tradition of giving eggs of Easter comes of many centuries ago, more than you could imagine. Everything is due to the fact that the catholic Christians who were following the Lenten abstinence, could eat either nor eggs either lacteal products. The public inspectors were guarding them and once finished the Lent they were giving them (imagine what a lot of eggs had in the pantry!!!). But ... already I say to you that this comes of very far, because already in the 17th century, the Pope Alejandro VII, it did not have of " quite clear " that the eggs had to be prohibited during the Lenten time. This way it was demonstrating it in a decree published on March 18, 1666:

" It is not evident that it forces the habit of not eating eggs and lacticíneos in Lent ".
 Therefore, already in that epoch the consumption of eggs would have been allowed. It is necessary to say, dear cybernaut, that the times have changed and that the Catholic Church recommends only the abstinence of meat every Friday of Lent.


The tradition of giving eggs on Sunday of Easter continued, principally in the Anglo-Saxon countries, The United States and in the Central Europe. It is a gift very estimated by that one that receives them. They are identical with different colors and are given in small baskets. One of the European countries that more lives through it is Germany; it is known, curiously, that the tradition in The United States came thanks to a few Germans who promoted the above mentioned custom in that country. As that the majority of they they are for the children, not only there are eggs of hen, but also of chocolate.

And that paints the rabbit with all that? So very easy, it turns out that the rabbit is the one that brings the eggs of Easter. I explain it to you: the parents hide the eggs in the garden and in the early morning of Sunday they invite his small children in order that they go out to find them. The one who has put there the eggs?, the rabbit of pascua! In order that we understand each other, the rabbit is like the Father Christmas or the Magi. The majority of they they are of chocolate. Other eggs, the identical ones, are given of particular form to the dear persons.


By: María Rodríguez.


London is a good place to move in bicycle. There is many quantity of routes to cross in bicycle and to enjoy  an agreeable walk. It is a very healthy sport and too it does not contaminate.
Also they have put on routes in the very sure roads and for that only will can to circulate bicycles.
This year there have joined a few special routes in which will go all the tourists and will can to visit all the important places of this great city enjoying the route at the same time that do exercise and take care of the environment.
Also there are bicycles of rent that any citizen will can to have them paying a quantity of money a year and they will have them for the whole city in a special parking for bikes.
Realizado por Maria Godoy Melguizo

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


The wedding of Kate Middleton and Guillermo of England will celebrate 29th April at 11a.m and the place of this celebration will be Webmister Abbey. The Royal Family have created an official website with every details of this event.
The page is:

By: María Godoy Melguizo



Temperatures min.     7ºC

Temperatures max.    12ºC


Temperatures min.    4ºC
Temperatures max.   9ºC


Temperatures min.    8ºC
Temperatures max.  11ºC


Temperatures min.    9ºC
Temperatures max.   13ºC


Temperatures min.   12ºC
Temperatures max.   14ºC


Temperatures min.   9ºC
Temperatures max.   15ºC


Temperatures min.   10ºC
Temperatures max.   13ºC


Temperatures min.  7ºC
Temperatures max.   11ºC

By: María Rodríguez


The next 6th and 7th april Justin Bieber,the teenager canadian, will go to spain for sing in his concert. He is going to go to Madrid and Barcelona cities. His concert´s name is ‘My world tour’.
A lot of teenagers are waiting his arrive with a lot of emotion. He is going to go to Madrid at Sports Palace and Barcelona at Palau Sant Jordi.
The income for these concerts will be adquire from 10 a.m. of Thursday, the 2nd of December, in Fnac, Carrefour and other points of sale of the network Ticketmaster.
This one will be the first time that Justin, of only 16 years, operates in our country.